Step 3: Individual Support
We offer individual leadership coaching relative to helping executives and managers avoid their own burnout as well as learn
For participants of the questionnaire who demonstrate the signs of burnout at one of the four stages, we offer a third step in the form of a private consultation with a burnout specialist. In these sessions, we help the individual understand the results of their “state of energy” report and determine if any medical tests would be useful to obtain, such as saliva, blood and urine tests to determine if vitamins, minerals, and hormones are lacking. We also explore stressors and ways to counterbalance them by looking more closely into the individual questionnaire results. We also help individuals uncover beliefs that may prevent then from making lasting health-related behavior changes.
We share our extensive background knowledge in focus areas for each coachee to help them set goals and create rituals to achieve them. We respect our coachees’ privacy and confidentiality is of utmost importance in coaching sessions.